Monday 29 April 2013

My name is Jessi Jordan and I am an Intuitive Performance coach. I want to be your friend and work with you to help re-create your world, so you have the happiness you deserve, by clearing the blocks which have prevented you from having the happiness your truly deserve. I created this blog to reach out to everyone rich or poor anyone who deserves a better life, normally I do not advertise my service, clients come to me..especially the rich and famous..but I realized there are normal, everyday people who deserve a better life..who I need to reach out to..

Do not worry am not selling you any product, I just want to give you information that will change your life forever so you experience a fulfilled life. If there is any part of your life you need answers or the next accurate step you need to take that will yield good success; are you lonely? do you need a soulmate? do you need money? do you want career success? or that dream job? The universe sent me to inform you that you can get it.

I have worked as a catalyst for fast transformation of actors, artists, writers, directors and producers looking to take their artistic careers to the next level. I have been invited to speak and share my unique intuitive gifts at a special private event at the TV Academy of Arts and Sciences in Hollywood in May which drew a standing room only crowd.

I have also helped  top notch producer who has worked with a variety of artists like Pink, and Beyonce just to name a few and has been featured in The New York Times as an accomplished CEO and Entrepreneur.

“Be it acting, producing, business, music, love, happiness, any area of your life you do not feel satisfied I can help you clear whatever is in the way of your success!”

Actors who I have coached have appeared on…


I will remember the day I met Jessi at the TV Academy, the encounter changed my life forever. How Does it get better than this??? I've gone on 5 auditions since I started working with Jessi and I've booked 4 of them!!!

Jessi, I want to thank you sooo much, for showing me how much “stuff” I was carrying around that was blocking me. After you brought it to my attention and we did a clearing, I was able to relax and have fun in the room.
As of the 08/13/2012 call, I have a new Commercial agent, a Manager and today I was offered Theatrical representation. How does it get even better than that?! I am so looking forward to what else is possible.

Thank you thank you thank you Jesi! I went to the audition open, me and willing to play and show my essence, nailed it, landed role and also got offered another for a different film too. Did my shoot last week, finished the other day, played and played and brought all of the freeness of open energy to it ! Love Acting !! How can it get even better than this ?! Yippy !!



These are just a few success stories, remember if you ask you shall receive and there is power in knowledge. As I mentioned earlier I am not a marketer and I do not use black magic..I am a Christian by religion and I fear and respect God..what I use to clear your blocks is "ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS" which are a set of tools and techniques which the universe use to empower you to achieve success or happiness in any area of your life. Access Consciousness is not complicated its very easy and it will help you live the life, The universe destined for you..

If you want to choose happiness today and live that life you truly deserve..send me an free with me by telling me which area of your life you need improvement..
remember I am your friend dedicated to making your world a better place and together we share love and improve the lives of people around us. 


It might not be you who needs help, you have a friend, a child anyone you love, that you want to have a happy life..just send me an email..and I also have a free gift for you worth $89 that will change your life forever..hope to read from you soon..thanks for reading my blog..stay blessed..

Jessy Jordan..